It has been a terribly long week, so when the weekend came, I decided to take it slow this time. There were a few errands to run and important events to go to, but I basically let the weekend drift and made sure I had plenty of rest. Went to several locations to get some shots that I have had in mind, and I treated myself to some good coffee and comfort food. We deserve to pamper ourselves once in a while.
The thought of making a photobook has always been at the back of my mind. This was an experimental print I did for a compilation of of my street photography shots. I still want to produce the photobooks and make it available for sale but I think the biggest challenge is to make it affordable or at the price point that everyone agrees with. By keeping the price down, I do need to restrict the number of photos in the book and also compromising print quality. This photobook idea will be shelved for this moment.
I have always had a thin for deep blue skies and there is nothing better to clear the mind than climbing up to a tall place and overlook the city skyline against the dramatic blue sky.
Shades of Orange
The Tower In Between
Found this framing, thought it worked well to draw attention to the famous KLCC Twin Towers, though only one of the towers can be seen in this shot.
Lady in Red
The Bus Conductor
Clashing Lines
Matching Sweatshirts
Heavy Breakfast
Camera of the Day, the venerable E-M10 Mark II
The Lazy Weekend